riding a toddler tricycle

When Can a Toddler Ride a Tricycle?

At What Age Can Parents Buy a Tricycle for Their Child?

Generally, parents can consider buying their child a toddler tricycle at about the age of two. When they have developed the necessary strength and motor skills to push the pedals successfully and (with a bit of practice) coordinate the steering. Some exceptions, as you will read below, allow little ones to use a tricycle for toddlers at an even earlier stage.

Factors to Consider when Buying a Toddler Tricycle

Any tricycle you buy must be a suitable size for your toddler. When choosing a tricycle, you must consider whether your child can comfortably reach the pedals with the knees slightly bent and place their feet on the ground. They should also be able to get the handlebars without leaning forward so far that it affects their balance.

consider buying their child a toddler tricycle

Can Toddlers Under Three Years Old Ride a Tricycle?

While three years is probably the optimal age for a toddler to ride a trike, they can start learning at around two. The earlier, the better, as this will develop the necessary skills sooner. As long as the size of the trike is suitable for the size of your toddler in the ways mentioned above, then it is okay for a child under three years old to learn to ride a tricycle.

One type of trike to consider if your little one is under three years, or even two, is a multi-stage tricycle. A multi-stage tricycle is a good option because it grows with your child, and they are becoming increasingly popular.

What is a Quality Toddler Tricycle?

A quality tricycle is, first and foremost, a tricycle that is safe for your child to use and is a suitable size. Next is that it’s easy to ride and is durable enough to last the usual wear, tear and bumps. Research the brand and trike you plan to buy and pay attention to what other parents say about that particular trike in online reviews. 

Here at Besrey, we are introducing our third-generation child’s tricycle, which we think offers everything your child needs in a tricycle and more. Please read below to find out about it, and don’t forget to hit the links to view the full product page and reviews!

The Besrey 5-in-1 tricycle is the ultimate trike for teaching your child all the skills they need growing up; balance, coordination, strength and awareness. It’s a lot of fun, too, that over 3,500 parents have rated positively. 

It offers 3 riding modes - baby walker, tricycle and balance bike. The best thing about the Besrey 5-in-1 tricycle is that it grows with your child and can be used from 10 months to 4 years.

Like a tricycle, the rear wheels are locked open, and the pedals are fitted. In walker mode, the rear wheels come together in a more narrow configuration, and the pedals are stowed. In the third mode, the trike becomes a balance bike as the two rear wheels come together entirely and the pedals are stowed up.

The Besrey 5-in-1 tricycle comes in 5 stunning colours and looks fantastic. It is the trike on the street that all the kids will want!

Here are some key features of the Besrey 5-in-1 tricycle:

4 adjustable handle angles - 35° & 90° forwards, 35° & 90° backwards offer a comfortable ride for any child aged 10 months to 4 years.

Soft PU leather seat - A cushioned seat height adjustable between 11.8 and 15.35 inches suits different age levels.

Anti-slip EVA foam tires - These wheels are non-slip, wear-resistant and durable. They are closed wheels with no spokes to prevent pinching feet.

Strong steel frame - The painted carbon steel frame is durable to last years, while the steering is limited to 120° to prevent accidental rollover.

Convert button - The simple click of a button at the rear of the tricycle allows you to switch between the 3 modes effortlessly, while the pedals are just as easy to stow away.

Besrey 5-in-1 tricycle


Learning to ride a tricycle requires a lot of coordination for your little one, and there is no right or wrong age for when a toddler can learn to ride a tricycle. It comes down to the type of trike, the size of the trike, the age of the toddler, and their development stage. In short, when they can get on and off the tricycle by themselves, reach the pedals and handlebars comfortably, and ride it without assistance from you, it is the time when a toddler can ride a tricycle. 

The great thing about the Besrey 5-in-1 tricycle is that it grows with your child because it is a multi-stage tricycle. It can be used without pedals, thus eliminating the worry about whether your toddler is ready to ride a tricycle.


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